Caborca Profiles
People of Note from Caborca
Caborca Profiles
When you visit Caborca, one thing you will realize is that its citizens are truly the city’s greatest asset. Almost without exception you will find that when you need assistance or information, Caborcans are friendly and willing to help.
And there are some very interesting people with unique personal stories who live in Caborca.
So these pages are to recognize not only some of the more famous and esteemed residents and former residents of Caborca, but many of the everyday individuals who make this such a great place to visit.
We have quite a few profiles yet to be added, and will be uploading them as time permits. And if you have a suggestion for a person whose profile we should add to Viva Caborca, please fill out our contact form with the details.
Alina Trevor
Nereo de la Peña
Antonio Richards