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Spring Events

Springtime events to enjoy in Caborca

caborca parade

Springtime Events in Caborca


Following are some events celebrated in Caborca every Spring:

National Health Week Kindergarten Students Parade

Held annually in February, this parade features all of Caborca’s
kindergarten students dressed up as a medical professional or some other health-related item, such as a fruit or vegetable. In addition to recognizing Mexico’s National Health Week, the parade is also to help the students prepare for upcoming vaccinations. It is a very, very cute way to observe the very important topic of children’s health

Asparagus Festival

This annual event celebrates the harvest season for one of Caborca’s main crops. The festival is typically held in the latter part of March in the Plaza de Armas, where growers and vendors display products and information, and local restaurants sell delicious samples of local asparagus dishes.

Springtime Parade – Birth Date of Benito Juárez

Typically held on March 21st (which also recognizes the birthday of Mexican President Benito Juárez), the kindergarteners once again take to the streets, this time dressed in a springtime theme like a flower or a frog

Abril 6 (Seis de Abril)

This is the biggest event on Caborca’s annual calendar, to commemorate the town’s defense against American filibusterers (mercenaries) in the mid-1800’s

May 1Primero de Mayo is a national workers’ holiday, similar to Labor Day in the U.S.

May 5 – A minor holiday in Mexico (it’s probably more recognized in the U.S.), Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of Mexican forces against the French in the battle of Puebla

May 10 – Mother’s Day (Día de la Madre), a major Mexican holiday

May 15 – Teachers’ Day (Día del Maestro), honoring Mexico’s educators

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